News — Coronavirus
Illustration by Chantal Bennett

ANTHONY BUCCO Executive Chef, Felina, Ridgewood “People in hospitality spend a minimum of 60 hours a week at work,” says Bucco. “When that gets pulled out from underneath you, it’s hard to put your finger on your identity. I’m not used to being home.” Bucco lives with his wife, Ellen, and their three sons, 11-15. “It’s a little scary. I’m trying to fill the hours of my day. I’ve cut the grass three times, cleaned the garage and played a lot of wiffleball with my sons.” “I’ve got plenty of projects to keep me busy,” he adds, “but my concern...
Some employees may find that they are suddenly working from home more than ever because of social distancing
Coronavirus Ergonomics Health RemoteWork WorkingFromHome

Here are a few tips for healthy ergonomics, using materials that are easy to find at home. 1. Stack books to raise your screen to eye level. You can hook up an old TV or computer monitor to most laptops, if they have an HDMI plug. 2. Position your hands and arms at elbow height, while your upper arms are relaxed by your side. Elbows should be bent at a 90-degree angle. If you have a keyboard, try resting it on your lap. Sit at a counter or desk that allows your elbows to rest at a 90-degree angle. 3....