
Savory Soft Yeast Rolls - Turkish Pogaca

Savory Soft Yeast Rolls - Turkish Pogaca

Poğaça is a generic name for savory pastries. Previously, I published a no-yeast version of poğaça with dill and feta cheese which was tender and more crunchy. In this version the the texture is quite similar to soft yeast rolls. Super super soft, buttery, and full with your desired filling. And for filling you can use whatever you want, whatever you have on your hand. You can use vegetables, like potato, mushroom, spinach, leek, onion, cabbage. Cheeses like feta, mozzarella, kashkaval or you can use your choice of ground meat. This time I used mixture of ground beef, onion, diced...

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Mile High Yeast Rolls

Mile High Yeast Rolls

Yeast Rolls I’m sorry, but I must go down memory lane for a moment here….my high school lunch lady’s had us all sprinting for the lunch line with their Yeast Rolls! Ever since then, I’ve always tried to match their excellence when it came to perfecting the perfect yeast roll. I must say these are as close to perfect as possible!!! I have loved on this recipe for well over a year and I’m happy with my results! These rolls are geared up to have country ham and blackberry mustard slathered all over them. This recipe is fast and easy...

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Few clothing items are worn on a daily basi

Beauty Loungewear Pajamas Robe Style

Few clothing items are worn on a daily basi

s. We typically change out most clothing items, but there is one staple that tends to make an appearance every day. The first thing in the morning, we usually get up and put on a robe before doing anything else. Right before bed, what do we put on? The same robe. And few things are better after a long day at work than coming home, showering, and then wrapping yourself into a soft, luxurious robe. While the most important thing for a robe is comfort, you also want it to be fashionable too. From thick fleece to sheer silk, there...

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8 eco-friendly products to wean you off the single-use lifestyle

2 pearberry4life

8 eco-friendly products to wean you off the single-use lifestyle

One thing that has become abundantly clear to me over the last year is that everything you do has a ripple effect. When it comes to taking care of the planet, that's a good thing — if you stop purchasing paper towels, for example, that's one less tree that has to be cut down. As your new habits become routine, remember that what you're doing is making a difference, even if you can't see it right away. Everything adds up! If you're ready to say goodbye forever to traditional paper towels, plastic wrap, and facial tissues, you're in luck —...

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Vanlife with a Dog or Cat: Insider Tips & Advice

Campervan Vanlife

Vanlife with a Dog or Cat: Insider Tips & Advice

If you’re thinking about joining the vanlife movement but unsure whether or not it’s doable with your furry friend by your side, you’ll want to read this article! We’ve asked fellow vanlifers who travel with their dogs and cats to give us insider tips and advice about life on the road with a pet. We often get asked for advice on how to do vanlife with a dog (or a cat). We don’t have any pets (yet!), so we called on some other vanlifers to answer some of the most frequent questions we get asked – from must-have items that...

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